Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The ninjutsu is not a combat sport, but a martial discipline which is composed in 9 different martial arts, Three of these are schools of Ninjutsu. The remaining six schools are, in essence "traditional" martial arts or Samurai schools, abd several disciplinary arts like hand ling of modern weapons fire from by riding and knowledge of medicinal plants.

The traditional japenese methode of espionage, involves stealthy mouvements and the use of camouflage.

That the most complex style

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Muay thai

Muay thai is a martial art created for the thai military in the siwteenth centery, requires physical fitness such as flexibility reflexes, power and strength, but also mental abilities as the will, courage and respect.

This style is based to fight .....at "KO"

It very hard style.

What do you think...