Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
kuk sool won

what is kuk sool won?
kuk sool won which can be translated by "National Association of Korean Martial Arts", includes a systematic study of all the traditional arts of combat which include the entire history of martial arts of the korean nation.
kuk sool won derived from three branches of traditional korean martial arts:
- Sah Doh Mu Sool
- Boolkyo Mu Sool
- Koong Joong Mu Sool

Were organized to from a songle system know as kuk sool in 1958 by "In-hyuk suh" the foubder and grandmaster of kuk sool won.
As a martial arts system, kuk sool won covers the full rang of arts combat traditional asian techniques and fitness, and mental development and training in traditional weapons.
These include:
> Hand techniques: closed and open hand stricking methods, pressure point stricking, stricking whith arm and shoulder, blocking and praying.
>Leg techniques: fundamental kicks, spinning kicks, jumping kicks, combination kicks double leg kicks, pressure point kicking, specialty kicking.
>Throwing and grappling: body throws, projection throws, leg throws, pressure point grappling, grappling defense, wrestling techniques, ground fighting.
> Joint-locking techniques: restraining methods, joint breaking techniques, cominationpoint locking, control and rediraction techniques.
> Falling techniques and acrobatics: body conditioning and agility techniques, body protection techniques, acrobatics for defense and offense.
> Body conditioning: overall stretching and flexibility trainig, cardiovascular conditioning, muscle toning, ligament and tendon strengthering , jint flexibility and bone conditioning.
> Animal-style teckniques: techniques based on the movements and/or characteristics of certain "martial" animals such as; Tiger, Praying mantis, Grane, Snake, Bear, Eagle...ect.

>Traditional korean weapons: there are 24 different traditioanl korean royal court weapons in the curriculum of kuk sool won, plus buddist and tribal weaponery; sword, staff, jointed, spear, cane, rope, fam, bow and arrow.
> Martial art healing methods: acupressure, acupuncture, internal energy systems, herbal madicine.
> Meditation and breathing techniques: various breath control techniques, maditation and breathing postures, concentration tachniques.
source: http://www.kuksoolwon.com
As you can see!!! kuk sool won, covers an extensive varitie of martial art techniques.
what is your opinion?.......... leave your comment.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

While each style has unique facets that make it different from other martial arts, a common