Were organized to from a songle system know as kuk sool in 1958 by "In-hyuk suh" the foubder and grandmaster of kuk sool won.
As a martial arts system, kuk sool won covers the full rang of arts combat traditional asian techniques and fitness, and mental development and training in traditional weapons.
These include:
> Hand techniques: closed and open hand stricking methods, pressure point stricking, stricking whith arm and shoulder, blocking and praying.
>Leg techniques: fundamental kicks, spinning kicks, jumping kicks, combination kicks double leg kicks, pressure point kicking, specialty kicking.
>Throwing and grappling: body throws, projection throws, leg throws, pressure point grappling, grappling defense, wrestling techniques, ground fighting.
> Joint-locking techniques: restraining methods, joint breaking techniques, cominationpoint locking, control and rediraction techniques.
> Falling techniques and acrobatics: body conditioning and agility techniques, body protection techniques, acrobatics for defense and offense.
> Body conditioning: overall stretching and flexibility trainig, cardiovascular conditioning, muscle toning, ligament and tendon strengthering , jint flexibility and bone conditioning.
> Animal-style teckniques: techniques based on the movements and/or characteristics of certain "martial" animals such as; Tiger, Praying mantis, Grane, Snake, Bear, Eagle...ect.
>Traditional korean weapons: there are 24 different traditioanl korean royal court weapons in the curriculum of kuk sool won, plus buddist and tribal weaponery; sword, staff, jointed, spear, cane, rope, fam, bow and arrow.
> Martial art healing methods: acupressure, acupuncture, internal energy systems, herbal madicine.
> Meditation and breathing techniques: various breath control techniques, maditation and breathing postures, concentration tachniques.
source: http://www.kuksoolwon.com
As you can see!!! kuk sool won, covers an extensive varitie of martial art techniques.
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